An American speciality
An American speciality
An American speciality
An American speciality
The Golden Hen Café
Golden Hen Menu
Over easy and hash browns on the side
What kind of food do you like? Do you like dinners or a big Sunday breakfast best? Perhaps there’s a special dish you like where you or your grandparents are from. Every country has its specialities, and as you can imagine, in a country as vast as the USA, there are very many to choose from. Everyone has a firm favourite, and everyone thinks theirs is best!
Some of the food we think of as American actually comes from other countries originally. For example, pizza came from Italy and hot dogs came from Germany. Immigrants to the USA bring their favourite recipes with them. Gradually changes are made to how the food is prepared, perhaps local ingredients are added, and after a while they become American. Every region has its own specialities and ways of preparing food that tell us a little about the geography of the place and the people who live there.
Sunday brunch is a popular meal at American family restaurants. You usually get unlimited soda and coffee, and there is often a wide variety of food to choose from. Eggs and pancakes are very popular. Eggs can be prepared in many different ways – they can be boiled, poached, scrambled or fried in a frying pan, or skillet as it’s called in the USA. Different types of fried eggs have different names, too. Eggs over easy and hash browns on the side – now that’s a good start to the day!