
Product news and other information from the developers of Portfolio.
Showing 106 - 110 of 141
  • Vastly improved user presence time tracking!

    Posted by: Fagbokforlaget admin 29. May 2018 15:46

    This update (cbdaf4d) contains these changes:

    New features:

    • User activity is now tracked and regularely submitted to the server. It only includes how many seconds since you last touched the keyboard or moved/clicked the mouse (i.e., idle time). This activity tracker is usually hidden, but can be made visible by setting the configuration variable "show_interactivity" to a true value.
    • All of this tracked activity is reported in two new reports named User activity and Page views. They are made available from a user's profile page. You can also reach it via the My students report. Look for the new button named Show activity at the bottom of the page. You can only see information about yourself and your students.
    • Real-time user activity is kept for 2 weeks, daily summaries for 4 weeks, and weekly summaries are kept forever. This should make it much easier to figure out what a user has been doing. The report is also much more accurate than the old Usage log feature, which is now deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future.


    • Sites listed when managing institutions are now ordered by site title.
    • New template function called request_handler_name_map(), which is used to lookup the label of a request handler.
    • Most tables now use a consistent style and are both sortable and searchable.
    • Added template true/false functions, so it is now quite simple to embed literal JSON into templates.


    • The jQuery metadata plugin was removed. Please use the built-in support for HTML5 data attributes instead.
    • The last read / last edited objects links in the user profile page have been removed. This information can now be found in the Page views report.
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  • SOLVED: Problems to login with email

    Posted by: Fagbokforlaget admin 29. May 2018 15:46

    Unfortunately an error had snuck into the user name migration process that made it impossible for people that used to log in with their email to do so.

    This error has now been resolved.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

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  • Improved report performance and email hidden everywhere

    Posted by: Fagbokforlaget admin 29. May 2018 15:46

    This update (e9c70bb3) brings these changes:


    • Institution administrators can now choose from a list of URLs to include in the welcome email when they register new users. Global administrators should set the site configuration variable allow_site_publishing to a true value to enable the feature on a specific domain.
    • Improved the performance of the My students report considerably.
    • All new users that register will now get an auto-generated user name if they don't specify one during registration.
    • The no_framework template variable is now globally available.
    • Remove display of email in all reports.


    • A one-time process has been executed to clean up invalid email and user name on all users. It auto-generated a user name on all users that had their email set as their user name.
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  • Object cycle (image of the week) feature

    Posted by: Fagbokforlaget admin 29. May 2018 15:46

    This update (ac2cf8f) brings with it the following changes:

    New features:

    • Ability to change the content of a document based on intervals. You use it by embedding an object normally into a document, and then set the custom_init variable cycle_object to the objects identifier and specifying a timeout value for the cycle_interval. This will automatically cycle all the objects in the same folder as the initial object whenever the interval expires.


    • The chat window will now open in a new window/tab by default.
    • When sending an audio recording to your supervisor, the message editing step is skipped and the message is sent directly.


    • Resizing of the chat window will no longer cause the content to disappear.
    • Removed use of HTML cleanup on document preview.
    • A blank entry that was present in the folder menu when using a header object is now gone.
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  • Real-time chat available!

    Posted by: Fagbokforlaget admin 29. May 2018 15:46

    The update installed today (50d27a4) has these changes:

    New features:

    • The real-time web-based chat feature is finally here! You can find it on the communication top menu.


    • It should now be a bit more obvious how to start Skype appointments from the calendar.
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Showing 106-110 of 141
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