Auditing of security events and lots of infrastructure changes

Today's update (b36b08a) brings with it the following changes:

Security issues

  • Added audit messages for the following security events:
    • Login success/failure
    • E-portal authentication callback
    • User impersonation
    • User created/modified/deleted
    • User accessed (profile page viewed)
    • Credential modified
    • Credential recovery
    • Group membership modified
    • Institution membership modified
    • Role modified
  • A programming error in the reset_pw request handler made it possible to modify the password of any user without knowning the correct reset token. This issue has been improved further since the hotfix.
  • Changed behavior to not remove existing reset tokens when creating a new one. This avoids a potential denial-of-service attack vector in the reset password feature.
  • When logging in as a new user while already logged in, a login failure will now log out the existing session.
  • Upgraded to Perl 5.34.1 to fix security issues in Archive::Tar and Compress::Raw::Zlib.
  • Updated to cpanm 1.7045 to address the issue with CHECKSUMS file validation during CPAN package installation.

Performance improvements

  • Started using the new e-portal health check endpoint to determine if API is available.

New features

  • Changed Nginx web server from FastCGI to HTTP protocol for reverse-proxying to web application server. The web application server now uses standard PSGI/Plack runtime. Static file serving is now also supported directly in the web application server.
  • Added test infrastructure to run NATS server and fully validate audit events.


  • Changed CPAN dependency manager from Pinto to Carton.
  • Now uses upstream versions of perlbrew and cpanm directly, allowing for easier upgrades.
  • Simplified the code to support the explain template function.


Feature removals / deprecations

  • Removed support for FastCGI protocol for reverse-proxying. We use plain HTTP now, via PSGI.
  • Removed Pinto and all CPAN packages directly from upstream.
  • Stopped using Module::Build for running test suite.
